In Thanksgiving …
The origins of Thanksgiving date back to 1621 when the Wampanoag people and the English colonists (pilgrims) of Plymouth, Massachusetts, shared a harvest feast. It has become a day to give thanks for the year’s bounty and other blessings.
Yes, in 2024 farmers faced difficult financial circumstances, but still many have been able to continue, and everyone can find much to be thankful for. Despite labor shortages, supply chain disruptions, rising operating costs, natural disasters, low commodity prices, and falling farm income, Farmer Veteran Coalition and Homegrown By Heroes producers continue to put food on the table of their communities.
The recent election highlighted the magnitude of food insecurity and affordability issues in our country. With bankruptcies and foreclosures also escalating, it is felt that the results of the November election must bring change to our country and the agricultural sector in particular.
In the past weeks there has been much speculation in regard to who may be selected as the new Secretary of Agriculture, and what policy changes the new administration will make. Whereas change can be unsettling for some, I have hope that all people in our country will come together to assist the president in helping those in our community who are facing difficult circumstances.
Know that the Farmer Veteran Coalition national headquarters will be doing its part. This coming year the FVC will be amplifying its voice in both Veteran and agriculture policy that affects our membership. The Board of Directors and I continue to be committed to this. Your feedback will be instrumental in this area, so please do not hesitate to contact us at with your thoughts or concerns.
The Farmer Veteran Coalition continues to experience steady growth. It is my wish that 2025 will be the year that all our state chapters and national can take our organization to the next level and be able to assist more Veterans through the work of our mission.
What I am thankful for this year?
Time, talent, and treasure are terms used to describe how people use their gifts to serve a purpose.
I am thankful for your unwavering support in all three of these categories, and for continuing to take this journey with us. The impact of what we can do together was very tangible in the atmosphere at our annual convention in Kansas City last month.
We could not do it without you. I am THANKFUL for YOU.
Please enjoy the holiday with your family and friends … and travel safe.