State Chapters

FVC State Chapters increase membership and participation in the farmer veteran movement, provide a means of grassroots support for farmer veterans within each chapter’s territory, and encourage and locate eligible veterans for the multitude of programs and services that FVC provides. To go directly to their site, click on a state below.

FVC State Chapters

Statewide chapters provide FVC with the capability to integrate veterans into local agricultural communities.

  • Chapters bridge the gap between a nationally-driven movement of farmer veterans and the state and county-level resources that will help them achieve success in agriculture
  • We rely heavily on our state chapters to connect with members for their individual needs
  • Chapters offer an additional way for us to personalize the farmer veteran experience

Joining a state chapter — or helping to start one — offers significant benefits

  • Collaborate with other members on local projects, participate in local agricultural opportunities
  • Engage in networking with and building your surrounding community
  • Contribute to helping your fellow farmer veterans in the local region

Don’t have a chapter in your state? See below to find out how to start one.

Farmer Veteran Coalition Chapters
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Chapter Bio
2023 was a busy year!  Here's a recap for everyone . . . 

In February, Central State University hosted us at the Ohio ecological Food and Farm Conference in Newark.  Later that month, Farm Credit invited us to present at their "Know to Grow" event.  This was reprised at another Farm Credit event in March.

April was a biggie - the IRS (finally) issued the chapter our 501(c)3 certification so we officially became a non profit.  That allowed us to register with the state of Ohio and open a bank account.  As info, we are technically a Delaware corporation.  That month we teamed up with Central State and the USDA to enjoy our first workshop of the year at Wilberforce where there were presentations on the "Bee Better Program" and a tour of the CSU research apiary. 
In April and May our members participated in three veterans round tables with Senator Sherrod Brown and one with Congressman Jim Jordan.  Both sit on the Senate / Congress agricultural and veterans committees respectively.  At the end of the day - they know who we are and appreciate our commitment to helping veteran farmers. 
In July we did outreach at the Cultivate Trade Show in Columbus (premier trade show for hydroponics, greenhouses and nurseries).  We also teamed up with Rural Action to hold a workshop in Athens focused on forest farming, silvopasture and alley cropping.  Great field trip in the afternoon to the demo site. 
In August we conducted outreach through a podcast hosted by the Center for Innovative Food Technology/CIFT at Bowling Green and a panel discussion hosted by Central State University.  
September brought our second visit to the Farm Science Review, where we were hosted again by Central State University.  We gave away a 3 point post hole digger as a door prize (again).  Later that month we did outreach at the Southeast Ohio Forestry Farming Conference in Rutland, Ohio.  The topper was a GREAT press conference organized by CIFT officially announcing the chapter formation in Stryker, Ohio where we were joined by Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, representatives from Senator Brown's office and folks from a host of county and state agencies.
We closed out the year with our annual membership meeting and workshop on sustainable / restorative agriculture at the Ohio State University Waterman Research Farm in Columbus.  Great fun in the afternoon driving combines and playing with autonomous farm equipment.
Chapter Bio

The South Carolina Chapter of Farmer Veteran Coalition is a nonprofit organization with over 1,200 members dedicated to cultivating a new generation of farmers and food leaders and developing viable employment and meaningful careers through the collaboration of the farming and military communities.

The mission of the Farmer Veteran Coalition of South Carolina (FVCSC) is to mobilize veterans to feed America.

We believe that food production offers purpose and opportunity as well as physical and psychological benefits. The Farmer Veteran Coalition of South Carolina serves military veterans of all eras and branches. We work with veterans, their families, employers and mentors to support those returning to or beginning careers in food and farming.

South Carolina boasts over 5,000 veteran-led farms, accounting for nearly 14% of all farms in the state. These veterans, seasoned in leadership and service, bring a wealth of experience to the fields. These veteran-led farms are often smaller than average, with roughly 122 acres compared to the state's average of 441 acres. Yet, their impact is far-reaching. They contribute over $416 million to the state's agricultural sales, demonstrating their significant economic contribution. These smaller farms often focus on diversified operations, producing a variety of crops and livestock, showcasing their adaptability and resourcefulness.

Chapter Bio

We are the FVC of Texas Chapter, and we are dedicated to the mission of mobilizing veterans to feed America. Our goal is to cultivate a new generation of farmers and food leaders from the ranks of our military veterans. We believe that veterans possess the skills and qualities that can strengthen communities and establish effective food systems.