Farmer Veteran Coalition Celebrates 50,000-Membership Milestone

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Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) celebrates a new milestone, officially reaching 50,000 members nationwide. Membership has steadily risen since starting 15 years ago.

As the number of members continue to grow, so does the work required to meet the needs of FVC’s Farmer Veterans. This includes identifying new career opportunities, providing mentorships/apprenticeships/internships, assisting our beginning farmers and ranchers with scaling up their operations, and much more. FVC has also worked hard to further develop existing programs such as the Fellowship Fund and the Homegrown By Heroes label.

“The FVC community is thrilled to reach this 50,000-membership milestone!” said Executive Director Jeanette Lombardo. “I want to thank all our members, supporters, volunteers, and leadership boards at the national and chapter level. Without your dedication to the mission work of FVC, this would not be possible.

“Please continue to walk alongside us on this journey as we continue this movement … for the next 15 years!”

In May 2024, FVC announced over $350,000 in awards and equipment to Farmer Veterans across the country through the Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund. One hundred-eleven recipients, representing 32 states and all branches of service (with the exception of Space Force) were awarded. Also, five were awarded new Kubota equipment as a part of the Geared to Give program, bringing the total number to 46 since starting in 2015.

The Homegrown By Heroes label has reached over 3,000 members and now has blended labels in 18 states. This enables HBH-certified producers to promote their products as Veteran-owned and produced and with their state.

FVC plans to modify and expand its work into new opportunities for its growing membership. This includes:

  • Combating food insecurity in military communities
  • Food safety requirements
  • Urban agriculture
  • Ag tourism
  • Retail opportunities for the Homegrown By Heroes label
  • Climate farming/climate smart commodity implementation
  • QPR/mental health and wellness
  • Technical assistance

FVC looks forward to more Farmer Veterans joining the community and is dedicated to working hard to meet the needs of those who continue to serve.