Homegrown By Heroes
The Homegrown By Heroes label (HBH) is the official farmer veteran branding program of America, administered nationally by the Farmer Veteran Coalition.
Get HBH-Certified

What is the
Homegrown By Heroes Label?

The Homegrown By Heroes label (HBH) is the official farmer veteran branding program of America and is administered nationally by the Farmer Veteran Coalition. It certifies ranchers, farmers, and fisherman of all military eras to sell their product as veteran owned and produced. The label informs consumers that agricultural products donning the logo were produced by U.S. military veterans, and it allows veterans to differentiate their farm and ranch products in the marketplace.

Who is eligible?

  • Veterans of any branch of the U.S. Military from all service eras–including those currently serving
  • Those who received a characterization of service of ‘Honorable’ or ‘General (Under Honorable Conditions)’ upon discharge
  • Agribusinesses and farming operations that maintain a minimum of 50% veteran ownership and a minimum of 50% veteran management control
  • Value-added products that contain a minimum of 50% non-water ingredients produced by an HBH-certified producer

Benefits of Using the Homegrown By Heroes Label

  • The Homegrown By Heroes label differentiates veteran-produced products in competitive markets.
  • It provides consumers a tangible way to support veterans. America loves her veterans and there is no better way for citizens to show their support than by purchasing the fruit of their labor.
  • Displaying the label–for example, on your farmers’ market stand, egg cartons, canned goods, produce boxes, etc.–gives veterans the point-of-sale visibility needed to be successful in the marketplace.
  • Displaying the logo on a farmers’ market stand–or anywhere you do business–invites consumers to ask about the label, providing an opportunity for the veteran to share their story and connect with their customers. In many cases, this leads to loyal, returning customers.
  • Homegrown By Heroes brand awareness is growing rapidly as a result of national publicity and exposure. Your products will be associated with a unique and honorable food label, giving you a competitive advantage.

Get HBH-Certified

Fill Out The Application

In order to become a Homegrown By Heroes certified producer, you must first be a member of the Farmer Veteran Coalition. If you're not already a member of FVC, please click the button below to join now.

Get HBH-Certified

If you’re already a member of the Farmer Veteran Coalition and you’re ready to join more than 2,000 Homegrown By Heroes-certified producers around the nation, click the button below to apply now.

Program History

Founded by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture in January 2013, the Homegrown By Heroes label has been administered nationally by Farmer Veteran Coalition since Veterans Day of that same year. Since then, the program has expanded to include more than 1,800 members in all 50 states plus Puerto Rico. Homegrown By Heroes is supported by several national agriculture and food safety leaders such as the United States Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit and the American Farm Bureau.

USDAFarm CreditAmerican Farm Bureau

State Partners

Several State Departments of Agriculture have officially partnered with the Homegrown By Heroes label to produce a merged label combining elements of the state’s own ‘Buy Local’ label and the Homegrown By Heroes label. In order to display your state’s merged logo, you must first become certified with the Homegrown By Heroes label before certifying with your state’s department of agriculture. See below which states have created a merged logo–click on the logo to go to that state’s ‘Buy Local’ website.

Other states have partnered with the Homegrown By Heroes label and have elected to promote it separately, but in harmony with their own ‘Buy Local’ labels.

HBH Wisconsin Logo Kentucky Proud Certified Indiana Grown Homegrown By Heroes Virginia HBH Missouri Homegrown By Heroes Connecticut Homegrown By Heroes West Verginia Homegrown By Heroes Idaho Homegrown By Heroes Maryland Homegrown By Heroes Minnesota Homegrown By Heroes New Mexico Homegrown By Heroes New Mexico Homegrown By Heroes South Carolina
Homegrown By Heroes Search

Interested in purchasing from an HBH-certified producer? Click the button below to search for an HBH-certified producer near you!

Eligibility & Requirements
  • Must be a member of Farmer Veteran Coalition. Click here to join now.
  • Have served or are currently serving in any branch of the United States Military.
  • Received an ‘Honorable’ or ‘General (Under Honorable Conditions)’ characterization of service upon discharge from the military and can provide proof by submitting a Department of Defense Form DD-214.
  • Currently serving service members must provide a letter of support from their commanding officer or designated representative attesting to their characterization of service.
  • Veterans with a characterization of service of ‘Other than Honorable’ may be eligible based on a more thorough review of their individual situation.
  • Agribusinesses and farming operations must maintain a minimum of 50% veteran ownership and a minimum of 50% veteran management control.
  • Value-added products must contain a minimum of 50% non-water ingredients produced by an HBH-certified producer.
  • Renewal – Certifications under the Homegrown By Heroes label must be renewed every three years pending a review of any changes to business ownership, and/or product makeup.

HBH Marketing Store

Interested in buying HBH materials?
Only HBH-certified producers are authorized to purchase HBH marketing materials. To request the HBH store password, please contact support@farmvetco.org.