Farmer Veteran Coalition is excited to announce Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, as keynote speaker of the Empowering Women Veterans: Business, Agriculture and Well-Being Conference May 3-5 at the Flamingo Conference Resort and Spa in Santa Rosa, CA.
Secretary Ross, who was appointed to her position by California Gov. Jerry Brown in 2011, will address conference attendees on the evening of May 4. Registration is filling up fast, but there are still a few openings.
The goal of the conference is to equip women veterans with the business and farming tools necessary to be successful in their agricultural endeavors. Breakout sessions are divided into two tracks: Beginning Farmer track and Established Farmer track.
The Beginning Farmer track includes sessions on: the Nitty Gritty of Farming—what you need to know once you decide to get into farming; Maximizing Your GI Bill for Agricultural Education; Farming Financials—how to secure an FSA loan; and Business Plans and Budgets—how to prepare a one-page business plan and an introduction to AgPlan.
The Experienced Farmer track includes sessions titled: I’m the Boss Now What?—a discussion about labor, time and contract management; Healthy Farm, Healthy People—details on composting, hedgerows, buffer zones, IPM and climate mitigation; Farming is Risky Business—veterans benefits, crop insurance, organic programs and certification; and Marketing—how to best market your products. Additionally, there will be round-table discussions allowing for more in-depth discussion on the topics covered in the breakout sessions.
Thanks to generous sponsors, FVC is providing a limited number of scholarships for the conference. Click here to apply now. For more information or to reserve a booth, contact Julie Neithercutt at