March has arrived! Many consider March to be the beginning of spring as it brings the vernal equinox and the return of daylight savings time! The month of March was originally named for the Roman god of war, Mars, and more recently was designated as Women’s History Month. What a coincidence that as I write this newsletter the Pentagon has deployed over 12,000 troops to NATO member nations within a short distance of Ukraine. We all pray for our service members as they complete their duty and serve our nation.
Since my comments to you last month, the nation is beginning to feel the increased pressures of inflation and supply shortages in fuel, fertilizer, labor, and other inputs. It has become a daunting task to determine the direction to take our farming operations as planting season draws closer. Never forget that Farmer Veteran Coalition is here to help you with every step of your farming journey. No matter what your circumstance, our FVC case managers will assist you in finding a solution. Please call us at (530) 756-1395—we are here to serve you.
Finally, I want to give a special shoutout to the 15% of FVC members that are women. Women’s History Month strives to recognize the accomplishments of all women, including the countless amazing women who have worked in typically male-dominated industries and have shattered stereotypes. Thank you for being you and doing what you love—it shows. Recognize what a treasure you are to our organization and continue to lift each other up as we grow together.