Fellowship Fund Notifications Coming Soon

Fellowship FINAL

Thank you for your patience while the 2022 Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund applications are being reviewed. Nearly 500 farmer veterans applied for funding this year, each with a unique and inspiring story of how their military career has brought them to agricultural work. The review committee is wrapping up a six-week evaluation process and plans to notify applicants of award decisions later this month. Notifications will be sent via e-mail to the address provided on the application.

The 2022 Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund marks the 12th cycle of funding in the program’s history and we will be awarding $500,000 in equipment and supplies this spring!

Here are some stats about this year’s applicants:

  • Farmer Veterans representing 48 states plus Guam submitted applications—no applications from Wyoming and Delaware were received.
  • Farmer Veterans in Texas submitted the most number of applications, followed by North Carolina and Tennessee, who tied for second.
  • 16% of applicants identified as female, while 84% identified as male.
  • All five branches of the military were represented with 51% of applications received from those who served in the Army.
  • 80% of applications were received from prior enlisted while 20% were submitted by those who served in the officer ranks.

Be sure to keep an eye out for a notification email from us toward the end of the month at the email address you provided on your application.