By Jeanette Lombardo
FVC Executive Director
We are a little less than 60 days away from seeing each other in Oklahoma! If you’re not already registered, visit to do so now. And don’t forget, the deadline for early bird registration is next Friday, September 23.
After reviewing feedback from last year’s meeting in Tennessee, the staff at FVC National has worked hard to organize a conference that showcases current and relevant topics that provide our members with insight into how to take their individual agribusiness enterprises to the next level! It is very exciting for us to meet the faces behind the calls, hear your stories, and become a part of your journey. Above all, FVC is family.
We still have a few exhibitor spaces available for the conference. If you have not returned your exhibitor package yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you would like to receive a Conference Sponsorship and Exhibitor Package, please contact Abbie at and she will be happy to assist you.
Given the ongoing COVID recovery, supply chain shortages, extreme weather, and the overall state of the economy, donations for all nonprofits in the agricultural space have been declining. If your business or employer would like to support the mission of FVC, we would like to hear from you. Please contact FVC’s Director of Fund Development Nick Flanigan at
Thank you all for helping to get the word out. It takes all of us to make our Stakeholder Conference a memorable experience!