Now you can support Farmer Veteran Coalition without lifting a finger — or at least not more than one.
AmazonSmile, the simple and no-cost way to donate to your favorite charity–like FVC–now works on the Amazon Shopping app for iPhone and Android.
That means it is easier than ever to support our work anytime, anywhere.
Through its AmazonSmile program, Amazon donates 0.5% of eligible purchases to the charity of your choice — at no cost to you. You will get the same prices, selection and service found on, but now Amazon gives 0.5% of its cut to our worthy cause.
Why use AmazonSmile
Sure, fifty cents on a $100 tablet might not seem like a huge donation, but as any frequent Amazon shopper knows, your purchases add up!
Previously, AmazonSmile required the user to shop using their browser — either on a desktop computer or through the mobile browser on a smartphone. That meant that when you shopped in the official Amazon app, you were not contributing to your chosen charity — even if you had already activated AmazonSmile.
By adding AmazonSmile to its official app, Amazon is making the program available anytime, anywhere. So now when you buy a blender from the tractor seat or a printer from the barn — the Farmer Veteran Coalition still gets that 0.5%.
How to activate AmazonSmile on your iPhone or Android
Step 1: Join AmazonSmile
If you are not yet an AmazonSmile member, sign up at using a web browser (mobile or desktop). You will sign in with your Amazon credentials, and the site will walk you through the process.
Amazon will ask you to choose your favorite charity. This is where you search for and choose “Farmer Veteran Coalition.”
Step 2: Open the Amazon Shopping app on your phone
If you don’t have the app already, download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Step 3: Open Settings within the app
Open Settings by tapping the three horizontal lines (aka the “hamburger”) at the top left and tapping “Settings.”
Step 4: Tap AmazonSmile
Step 5: Tap the button for “Turn on AmazonSmile”
You will need to follow the three-step setup process. Note that Amazon requires you to turn on notifications to be able to use AmazonSmile on your phone.
Step 6: Make note of your renewal date
Amazon asks that you renew your AmazonSmile donation every six months. This is easy but required. When six months are up, you will have to choose your favorite charity again. If you do not, purchases made until you do will not count.
Step 7: Confirm that AmazonSmile is active before your next purchase
Look for AmazonSmile at the top of the app as you browse. You will also see your chosen charity on the confirmation screen.