It is hard to believe that we are in the final weeks of 2022! Despite the many challenges in the agricultural sector this year, it has been an amazing year for so many in the Farmer Veteran Coalition Family. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your individual stories with us throughout the year. Always remember that we are on this journey with you, and that together we will work to take your farms and your dreams to new levels.
Without a doubt 2023 will bring new challenges and opportunities for us all. At our Annual Stakeholder Conference in Oklahoma City last month, many of you shared with us what you were needing assistance with on an individual basis, as well as a wish list of chapter services. As we prepare our end of year close out, FVC National developed budgets to accommodate more programming, create thoughtful workplans for the year, and continues to seek additional grant funding to support our work throughout the country. We will begin the new year with our Fellowship Fund launching on January 4th. It is our hope to exceed the awards that were distributed last year.
No matter what holiday you celebrate this holiday season, the one thing that is consistent among all the celebrations is food. It is what binds our families and friends. Much of it is rooted in traditions. Enjoy the food that you have provided for your table this year. Take pride in the accomplishment that it represents. Be thankful for all the blessing you receive daily. Thank you for being a part of our team and working to help veterans in your own hometowns. We could not do it without you.
Good tidings we bear to you and your family…. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!