Back in earlier newsletter stories, we discussed several unique ways to support FVC including Amazon Smiles, Estate Planning, and Workplace Giving. Workplace giving is a company-sponsored program that allows its employees to financially support nonprofit organizations. There are six types of workplace giving programs: matching gifts, volunteer grants, payroll deductions, annual campaigns, disaster relief, and internal fundraising. Many businesses have Corporate Social Responsibility Programs and love to support veterans!
Today we focus on one of those opportunities in more detail with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and its workplace-giving initiative. The Arlington, Va.-based NRECA, represents more than 900 consumer-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperatives, public power districts, and public utility districts in the United States. Every year, the Association selects one worthy organization to be the recipient of the workplace giving funds. In honor of Veteran’s Day and to wrap up 2022, NRECA set up a Workplace giving program with FVC where NRECA shared FVC’s Mission, history, and programs with its employees. A special donation link was set up specifically for NRECA employees to be able to donate directly to FVC. This 10-day initiative in November raised almost $2500 for FVC.
Interested in learning more about workplace giving or want to assist your employer in learning more about FVC? Provide them with the link to our website,, and have them contact FVC’s Fund Development Director at Thank you for your consideration!