FVC of Texas Reinvigoration Meeting


On Thursday, July 6, Farmer Veteran Coalition of Texas board members and other volunteers came together to reinvigorate their state chapter. Members met at the National FVC office, located in Waco, TX, while others joined the meeting via Zoom. Like many chapters, the pandemic took its toll on members getting together and that, coupled with busy lives and Texas being a huge state, had proved to be challenging. Undaunted, the FVC of Texas volunteers have joined together to get things moving.


FVC Executive Director, Jeanette Lombardo, welcomed the Texas Chapter to the National Office and thanked John and Erin Kimbrough, for their years of service to the chapter. Interim board members were selected to serve in open positions until the next regular meeting of the chapter will be held later this fall. More information about the meeting will be sent to all members. The board includes the following:

  • John Kimbrough, Chapter President
  • Kenneth Weiss, 1st Vice-President
  • David Meyers, 2nd Vice-President
  • Erin Kimbrough, Secretary
  • Warren Pennington, Treasurer
  • Hyiat El-jundi, Communications Officer

The following members round out the board of directors, Dan Legereit, Evart Outlaw, and Thomas Straley. The board of directors discussed regional representation on the board, regional activities, state activities, and paperwork that needed to be completed. The board met again on July 14 to continue their planning and to report on their progress. They are making terrific headway and we look forward to seeing what else they have planned. For any questions about the FVC Texas chapter, you may reach them at texas@farmvetco.org.