Lorne Williams

Victory Chapel Family Farms   |   Washington, D.C.   |   Marines Corps

Lorne Williams served as a rifleman in the Marine Corps for 4 years and went on multiple deployments including Beirut Lebanon after the bombing in October 1983.

For the last five years he’s been keeping bees, averaged 20 -25 colonies for the last three.

“Beekeeping has given me the opportunity to start a profitable farm in in Charles County, Maryland.  My wife and I established Victory Chapel Family Farms 7 years ago.  I have a sense of pride in helping bees with all the perils they face now.”

Lorne joined FVC after attending A Livestock Conservancy program for Veteran Farmers where Michael O’Gorman gave a presentation on the ways FVC supports farmer veterans.

Now his Victory Chapel honey is Homegrown By Heroes certified.

Lorne believes the HBH label helps increase sales with what he considers a renewed sense of gratitude to veterans. When people see his Homegrown by Heroes signage, often he hears a ‘Thank you for your service’ along with a purchase from them. “This gratitude resonates deeply with me and reinforces the sense of honor I felt as a serviceman who contributed to maintaining freedom and the American way of life.”

Victory Chapel honey is produced sustainably and locally in the Washington Metro area from local multi-floral nectar sources. They sell raw honey that is extracted from the honeycomb without heat or filtration, and packaged immediately, thus capturing all the flavor and aroma of honey.

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